Exercises for Chapter Three: What is an EA?

    How big is the phenotype space for the eight-queens problem?

  1. Try to design an incremental evolutionary algorithm for the eight-queens problem.
    That is, a solution must represent a way to place the queens
    on the chess board one by one. How big is the search space in your design?
  2. Explain why the order in which items are listed in the representation is unimportant for the naive approach to the knapsack problem, but makes a big difference if we use the decoder approach.
  3. Find a problem where EAs would certainly perform very poorly compared to
    alternative approaches. Explain why you expect this to be the case.
  4. Consider the beginning phase of an evolutionary search process as depicted in the figure below. Is exploration or exploitation the dominant force in this stage? What about the end phase?
  5. Typical population distribution in the early stages of evolution
    Typical population distribution in the early stages of evolution

The on-line accompaniment to the book Introduction to Evolutionary Computing